Seeking to change our community for the better.
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Learning Way’s SACP After School Program

These are examples of an exercise for students in Learning Way's SACP after school program. The posters are part of our program developed just for elementary students grades 3-5. Ms. Leigh Maddox (our instructor) stated at the last coalition meeting that the response...
Learning Way’s SACP After School Program

Learning Way’s SACP After School Program

These are examples of an exercise for students in Learning Way's SACP after school program. The posters are part of our program developed just for elementary students grades 3-5. Ms. Leigh Maddox (our instructor) stated at the last coalition meeting that the response...

Shelbyville Rotary Club Meeting

Shelbyville Rotary Club Meeting

Bob Hudson, Executive Director of the Prevention Coalition of Bedford County, spoke at the morning meeting of the Shelbyville Rotary Club and explained our program of bringing drug and alcohol education to students, educating them on the perils of addiction.

Our Vision

Now that overdose deaths account for the majority of accidental deaths in this country, it has become imperative that something was needed in Bedford County to help stem the tide of the insidious disease of drug addiction and alcoholism. The general public needs to be made aware of just how deadly addiction and alcoholism is within our own community. The loss of innocence in children exposed and neglected. The loss to industry and small business of sober employees. The loss in communities to crime and the drug trade.

The Prevention Coalition of Bedford County was created to cope with issues affecting children, families and the addicted and alcoholic. We are a group comprised of everyday people from different walks of life and businesses who have come together to find solutions to these problems by getting involved. It’s a problem that can no longer be ignored. Join us.

employees. The loss in communities to crime and the drug trade.

The Prevention Coalition of Bedford County was created to cope with issues affecting children, families and the addicted and alcoholic. We are a group comprised of everyday people from different walks of life and businesses who have come together to find solutions to these problems by getting involved. It’s a problem that can no longer be ignored. Join us.










Our Mission

Adaptability and flexibility are essential to our coalition being able to help as many people as possible.

Our goals include but are not limited to the following:

Educating the children and adolescents in our community in order to make them aware of the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse is a top priority. We believe in order to break the cycle of addiction within families and youth peer groups is to highlight another way to live and react to the world around us.

Educate our population through schools, churches, jails, or community gatherings about the dangers of drug and alcohol addiction as well as treatment for them.

Help families cope with family members who struggle with addiction and alcoholism through available social services. Make those resources available to our population through online applications or direct contact with individuals.

Work with local government, law enforcement, the court system, civic groups, churches, and businesses to help establish a drug free Bedford County.

Help establish a women’s recovery center in Bedford County and establish a pre and post treatment program to prepare addicts and alcoholics for a life of recovery.

Other goals will become apparent as we grow.

Donate to the Cause

We welcome and very much appreciate any and all donations toward our cause whether it is through time and effort or by giving monetarily to help the Prevention Coalition of Bedford County reach its goals.  We will do our utmost to be sure your donation helps to improve the community of Bedford County with respect to drug and alcohol abuse.







Donations are made through PayPal which facilitates the use of all major credit and debit cards.

Click the button below to Donate.

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